Each year, the Montana Water Center awards Montana graduate students with financial support through a Montana Rural Water Research Fellowship and the Water Research Fellowship Program. To learn more about the current Montana Water Center Fellows, please see below. 

(Current student projects are funded by USGS grant G21AP10628-03. Funded students please credit the Montana Water Center and this grant number in any papers, presentations, and outreach materials.)

2024-2025 rural water research fellowship Program

2024-2025 Water resource FELLOWS


2023-2024 rural water research fellowship Program

Madisan Chavez: Assessing groundwater Pfas contamination from abandoned waste disposal sites on the Crow reservation

2016-2017 Fellows

Jordan allen: Glacial influence on nitrogen cycling: Beartooth Mountains, MT

Neerja Zambare: Removal of selenium by co-precipitation with microbially induced calcite precipitation

Rachel Powers: Assessing riparian ecosystem condition and monitoring recovery from natural and anthropogenic disturbance

Keenan Brame: Transportation, sediment-association, and the future of microbial contaminants on the little bighorn river

Claire Qubain: Snowpack and soil moisture controls on nitrogen availability in a Rocky Mountain conifer forest